Explaining Corequisite Coursework

It’s time to address some more of the big admissions questions. For those of you who are applying or are trying to choose an acupuncture school, this post is directed to you.

There are two very commonly asked questions that students interested in Academy for Five Element Acupuncture ask me: how does the intensive schedule work and what are corequisites? While I’ve addressed the intensive structure in another post, these two questions are actually related. Allow me to explain, and in the process, answer this perennial question.

First and foremost, corequisites are western science courses that are required for graduation but are not taught at the Academy. These courses are: Anatomy & Physiology II, General Nutrition, and three Biomedical Electives. The intensive schedule is already jam-packed with the study of Five Element Acupuncture theory, technique and practice. An intensive session is meant to be an immersive experience focused on developing one’s senses, learning the location of acupuncture points, as well as the spirit of those points and how to put them together in a treatment plan.  As a result, there are courses that we cannot fit into the intensive schedule.

So how do our students complete these classes? There are two options: (1) Students can transfer credit for these courses from previous coursework or (2) Students complete them concurrently with their acupuncture coursework at outside institutions.

Many students have already taken one or two of the corequisite courses as part of their Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs. So, those students transfer that credit to our program and do not have to repeat those classes (I don’t know anyone who wasn’t excited about not having to retake A&P II). Transfer credits need to be from an accredited institution and have been completed within the last 15 years. And being able to transfer previous coursework means that those students can focus solely on their acupuncture training. This prospect means that some students actually decide to complete all of their corequisites first, and then apply to our program. It’s a reasonable choice, but it’s important to keep in mind that corequisites are different from pre-requisites. They do NOT have to completed before enrollment.

For those students who want to forge ahead and get started, they can complete their remaining corequisites while they are simultaneously enrolled at the Academy. It might sound like a lot to juggle, but most students choose online courses to meet their corequisite requirements. The flexibility of the intensive structure and online course offerings make completing corequisite courses easier and integrative.  Online classes are accepted as transfer credit provided again that  the institution offering the courses is properly accredited and the student has gone through the course approval process.

Completing corequisites concurrently with acupuncture coursework is very doable, provided that students have a plan.  Students receive their transcript evaluation during the admissions process, so they know from the first day where they stand. I then meet with each student individually during the first intensive, and then throughout the successive intensives, to determine a time-frame of when to take these classes. We readjust as life and other responsibilities make it necessary. I also have a list of online programs and other community colleges where students can take classes. So students are not on their own when it comes to figuring out what to take and where.

The overwhelming majority of students transfer in at least one or two corequisite classes when they start.  And for those who have more classes to take, I work with them to tailor those classes to their future interests as acupuncture practitioners. So this process isn’t one to get too worried about once you know what it is all about. The key is planning from the very beginning, and remembering that there is support in the planning process.

Are you curious about how your credits might transfer? Are you unsure of what you’ve already completed? Please don’t hesitate to contact me with all of your questions.